October 21, 2024 | Mark Paradies

Why is Cross-Industry/Cross-Profession Networking So Important?

Summit networking and best practice sharing

“Expert” Shares About Cross-Industry Networking

Here is what an improvement “expert” said in a medical industry discussion forum…

I, too, have worked in the nuclear power industry. Nuclear power conference organizers three years ago had me speak about hospital safety.

I imagined myself teaching these socially-challenged engineers a thing or two and prepared my best PowerPoint presentation, starting, of course, with a review of the Institute of Medicine study. 

However, after hearing the speakers who went before me, I felt that I really had little new to offer.  Nuclear power facilities do have a measurable culture of safety, essentially mandated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  The plants don’t have the option as we do in healthcare.  The slightest injury or a mechanical or operational mishap is known to everyone in the plant, in the media, and in the community (everything is transparent), not simply passed on to the safety director for follow-up, hoping that the media won’t find out. 

It would help all of us to go to a nuclear power safety conference or simply arrange for a “safety” tour of the nearest nuclear plant.  We have more to fear working in a healthcare facility for a day than spending a day visiting a nuclear power plant.

But that isn’t all there is to cross-industry networking. For example, nuclear plant professionals can learn from aviation safety professionals. Process safety experts from refineries can learn from the experience of Navy Nukes from Admiral Rickover’s nuclear submarine program. Pharmaceutical quality professionals can learn from process safety experts in the oil exploration and production industry. Food safety professionals can learn from manufacturing quality gurus.

To take this cross-industry/cross-profession networking to the next level, you can share ideas with people from around the world. Get perspectives from Australia, Colombia, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, Asia, New Zealand, and the USA.

Where Can You Get This Cross-Industry/Cross-Profession Networking?

Where can you share best practices with various industry professionals from around the planet? That’s easy. Just attend the Global TapRooT® Summit. Above and below are some pictures of people from various industries and countries sharing best practices, networking, learning, and benchmarking at previous Global TapRooT® Summits…

sharing lessons learned

The pictures are worth more than thousands of words. Now, picture yourself learning valuable best practices at the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit and imagine the improvement you can make happen when you return to work.

Network & Learn at the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit – Knoxville, Tennessee

The best Summit EVER is coming up on October 1-3. To learn more about the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit held at the Knoxville Convention Center in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee (our hometown) by CLICK HERE.

Also, consider attending one of the eleven pre-Summit Courses held on September 29-30. To see details about the courses, CLICK HERE.

CLICK HERE to register and qualify for our early bird drawing. The earlier you register, the more chances you have to win.

Early Bird Registration is Now Open for the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit
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