Why Do We Organize the Global TapRooT® Summit?

The First TapRooT® Summit
The first Summit was in 1994. We started planning it in 1993. Why did we start planning it? Because back in the early 1990s, there were many professional society conferences focused on safety, quality, human factors, and engineering topics, but there wasn’t a conference focused on incident investigation, root cause analysis, human performance, and performance improvement that crossed technical and industry boundaries.
Going Beyond Ph.D. Research
Plus, many conferences were focused on research and Ph.D. discussions (valuable discussions for those interested in research) but failed to make the link to the practical application of knowledge in an industrial setting. Settings like those where people used TapRooT®:
- oil/gas exploration and production
- electric utilities
- pharmaceuticals
- oil refineries
- mining
- food production/distribution
- aerospace/airlines/air freight/airports
- water utilities
- renewable power
- medical device manufacturing
- nuclear plants
- high tech manufacturing
- shipping/marine
- pipelines
- rail and light rail
- chemical plants
- nuclear materials
- metals
- agriculture supplies
- construction
- hospitals/healthcare
- and so many more
Therefore, we decided to put together a one-of-a-kind meeting where people could share their experience, learn to apply the latest research, and meet in small groups with leading industry experts and share information and ideas across industry and organizational/professional boundaries. Plus, even at the very first Summit, we wanted to have an international perspective.
How Could We Sponsor This Kind of Meeting?
We didn’t have a not-for-profit society to organize, publicize, and pay for a meeting. We didn’t have sponsors. In 1993, with a staff of just four people, we decided to go ahead and sponsor the conference ourselves. Why did we assume the work and cost of organizing a Summit? Because we felt that our clients needed the knowledge, best practices, and learning that we thought we could share at the Summit.
I don’t have a picture of the four people (Mark, Linda, Ted, and Becky) from 1993, but the picture at the top of the page is our staff (seven of us) that organized the 2001 Summit (plus two of our overseas instructors and their wives). Even seven years after the first Summit, it was a pretty small group.
Why Sponsor and Organize the Summit in 2023?
Our clients still need to learn the latest practical improvement knowledge. We are still the BEST in organizing a meeting where people network, learn valuable best practices, and gain motivation from great Keynote Speakers. How do we know this? Our clients tell us.
If you want to experience a well-organized conference that:
- Has the best networking you will ever experience.
- Provides Keynote Speakers that will inspire you.
- Has sessions that share an abundance of best practices.
- Comes with a guarantee.
- And is FUN!
Then you shouldn’t wait. You should register for the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit that is coming up on April 24-28 at the Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe, near Houston, Texas.
Get More Summit Info & Register TODAY!