September 5, 2023 | Susan Napier-Sewell

What does a bad day look like? Appliance rebellion!

appliance rebellion

Your refrigerator isn’t keeping food cold enough, the oven door won’t remain closed, and your dishwasher leaks — it’s an appliance rebellion!

Believe me, if you think you are alone in this appliance rebellion scenario, think again.

In CNET’s “5 ways to fix a broken appliance: Try these steps when your kitchen appliances are giving you trouble,” writer Alina Bradford sympathizes, “A broken washing machine or refrigerator can be scary and frustrating. You don’t want a big repair bill or to go without a crucial appliance for too long.

Bradford advises, “Luckily, some appliance problems can be solved easily at home without calling a repairman.

Let’s look at a few of Bradford’s steps to try:

1. Flip the switch

“If your large appliance suddenly stops working, it may have flipped the breaker. Sometimes when too much electricity surges through an outlet, your home’s breaker box will automatically cut off the power to the outlet.

First, unplug everything in your kitchen except major appliances , like the fridge, dishwasher, stove and microwave. Make sure each of the major appliances is plugged into its own outlet. No sharing!

2. Check the cord

“If checking the breaker box doesn’t work, flip the master switch back off and check the cord to see if it’s cracked or damaged. If so, that may be the culprit.

Your best bet is to try [to] repair or replace the cord. Most home improvement stores have cord replacement kits that are easy to install.”

3. Clean the filter

“No matter if it’s a washer, dryer, fridge ice maker, or dishwasher, a dirty filter can quickly halt efficiency, make it leak, or even catch fire.”

4. Check the seal

“If your fridge isn’t staying cold enough or your oven isn’t staying hot enough, it probably has a damaged door seal. Check for cracks and tears in the rubber around the inside of the door.

If it looks like the seal is past its prime, check the owner’s manual on how to replace it.”

Photo content/credit, Houzz, “Nutty Home Fixes.”

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What Does a Bad Day Look Like?
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