July 29, 2022 | Michelle Wishoun

Pharmaceutical Industry Challenges

pharmaceutical Industry

I read some news recently in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacists have a tough job. I used to think “what an easy job that would be,” but I was wrong. Pharmacists have to take every precaution to ensure that they are providing the correct prescriptions to their customers.

A lawsuit filed in Rhode Island claims that a man was prescribed extended-release medication but was given immediate release tablets. The medication prescribed is used to prevent epilepsy seizures.

After taking the medicine between Aug. 14, 2018, and Sept. 20, 2018, the man suffered several seizures and had to be hospitalized several times. He said on one occasion, he had a seizure and hit his head on the floor.

There are so many questions that I have that I am sure can all be answered in that lawsuit, but what I really want to know is . . . what corrective action was put in place to prevent this from happening again? What went wrong in the first place?

TapRooT® can help you get fixable root causes of human performance problems and help you understand human errors.

If you are in the pharmaceutical industry and you want to stop having problems, and want to start having effective investigations, root cause analysis, and fixes for problems, attend our TapRooT® Training and learn how simple advanced root cause analysis can be for you. Contact me today: michelle@taproot.com.

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