September 13, 2023 | Anne Roberts

TapRooT® Can Help with Equipment Failures in Mining Accidents

mining accidents

Often when we think of mining accidents — especially those involving equipment failures — we think of collapses and people stuck underground needing rescue. 

We often watch on TV the extensive rescue efforts of mining accidents that go on for days. But it isn’t just underground that is dangerous. It is life or death on the surface as well.

Over the last few months, I’ve been researching these accidents and, very often, equipment is involved.

Read my recent blog post about the top 5 mining accident causes; according to MSHA (Mine Safety & Health Administration), machinery and power haulage were 2 of those top 5 as a leading cause of fatalities in mining. In the first 7 months of 2021 in the US, 9 miners had been killed and 185 had been injured in accidents involving powered haulage equipment which was the highest number of powered haulage fatalities since 2006. 

Imagine these massive haul trucks, front-end loaders and dump trucks. So incredibly huge the driver has a very difficult line of sight. They can run over anything (including other vehicles or structures) without the driver knowing it (and that’s just one of the risks of operating these giants).

However, not only are there the extreme importance of safety issues, but repeat equipment failures on these monsters isn’t something you want to have to deal with either. As you  can imagine, it’s a major undertaking to repair anything on them. 

TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis can help reduce accidents in all areas of mining, including powerful machines. And with our Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting, we can help reduce repeat equipment failures as well.

How can you learn more about TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis and also Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting? Here are is an article that can give you more insight into both systems:  

If you are interested in TapRooT® or Equifactor® training (we have 1-day, 2-day, or 3-day, Equifactor® training), I am happy to share with you how our solutions can help you reduce accidents and downtime.  

Want to attend a course to see what it’s all about? Contact us or call us at 865.539.2139.

Why is TapRooT® Training the top RCA training? 

TapRooT® RCA has been designed for investigating seemingly simple problems that could have been worse (precursor incidents) by using a simple 5-step process. TapRooT® RCA can also be used to investigate major accidents by using the complete 7-step process.

TapRooT® Training is what you need – a guided root cause analysis 

TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis is global — and local — to meet your needs. If you would like us to teach a course at your workplace, check our full selection of courses.

Photo source/credit: Image by Анатолий Стафичук from Pixabay.

Equipment Reliability / Equifactor®
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