August 11, 2024 | Anne Roberts

Find Your MVPs: How to Mine Predictive Diamonds From Your Data Mountain – 2025 Summit Session

Are you utilizing your MVPs?

Regarding effective work measurement, the acronym MVP can have several meanings. Commonly, the M and V represent the phrase ‘most valuable.’  However, multiple options exist for the P reference, such as process, person, position, project, and place. How do the best at work measurement use data to assess position, place, and process performance?

Pros, cons, and ‘logical necessity’ arguments exist for each possible P. What types of work require the measurement of individual (person) performance? How do we select the best measures to monitor and analyze as we attempt to predict future work success?

Today’s technology allows us to monitor a variety of measures for all of these P performance options, essentially as often as we want. Unfortunately, we can also end up with much more data than we have time to view, let alone further process. How do the best workplaces decide which data streams they can ignore or set aside for reference versus those they must monitor regularly?

This session places a focus on the use of work data for prediction purposes – a possible P in the MVP acronym many fail to consider. What are your most valuable predictors of future work success? How can you somehow mine key input trends and analysis for these predictors from the mountains of raw data and data analysis?

If you want to learn about multiple best practices that can help you more effectively measure, analyze, and innovate work, this session is for you. In this interactive, exercise-driven session, you learn to:

  • Spot and segregate ‘nice to have’ data from those ‘must have’ metrics you must monitor
  • Effectively identify, trend, and analyze leading indicators of work performance
  • Use data to quickly make systematic, fact-based short and long-term choices
  • Accurately predict future process, project, place, and position costs
  • Build data-based value assessment algorithms for processes, places, and positions

To learn more details about this session and the Summit, check out the info below!

Session Details and Summit Info

Keynote Speakers

Attend “Find Your MVPs: How to Mine Predictive Diamonds From Your Data Mountain” at the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit, held on October 3, 2025, from 10:00 am to 10:50 am at the Knoxville Convention Center in Knoxville, TN.

This session is in the Safety and Risk Management Best Practices Track, but you can customize your schedule and attend it when you sign up for any of the eight tracks.

What are the eight Best Practice Tracks at the 2024 Global Summit? CLICK HERE to review them.

Get more Summit information by CLICKING HERE.

See the five Keynote Speakers topics HERE.

Download the eight-page Summit brochure (coming soon).

See the complete Summit schedule at THIS LINK.

Learn about the 11 special Pre-Summit Courses being held on September 29-30, 2025 (just before the Summit) by CLICKING HERE.

SAVE when you attend both the Summit and a pre-Summit Course. Save even more when you bring a team (up to $900 per person).

REGISTER for a Pre-Summit Course and the Summit by CLICKING HERE.

Summit, Summit -- Sessions
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