August 22, 2024 | Susan Napier-Sewell

How far away is death? Caught in a whirlwind


Have you ever asked someone how things are going and they reply, “My life is a whirlwind”?

If you look up the definition of a whirlwind, you’ll find that it is a column-shaped cylinder or funnel of rapidly moving air. Of course, that person may be referring to a whirlwind of emotion or another type situation. The whirlwind metaphor is fairly transparent, though, it’s basically a “whirl” of occurrences/changes, all happening pretty quickly.

And, while the stress from whirlwind experiences may not cause you to meet your demise immediately, are you aware that stress can shorten your life expectancy by years?*

If “whirlwind” applies to your work situation, you may have issues with repeat equipment failures, human performance problems, or the absence of risk management. Perhaps you don’t have a safety culture established within your processes, much less a good one. And that’s more stressors.

Did you know you can eliminate the whirlwind within your company with TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis (RCA)? The TapRooT® RCA process is a critical feature of any safety management system because it enables answers to be found to the questions posed by high risk, high impact events — notably, what happened, why it occurred, and what can be done to prevent it from happening again.

For example, you have repeat equipment headaches that seem to have no solution. TapRooT® RCA’s Equifactor® is the solution.

Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting and TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training

Do you need to efficiently and effectively find the root causes of equipment failures to improve your facility’s equipment reliability? Imagine the downtime prevented, and money saved NOT having repeat equipment failures. If this sounds interesting (and worthwhile), then this completely revised TapRooT´® Equifactor® course is for you.

The Equifactor® Techniques are based on the work of noted equipment reliability expert Heinz Bloch. The tools can be used by maintenance personnel, equipment reliability specialists, maintenance managers, or investigators who don’t have an extensive understanding of equipment engineering.

Circumstances can crop up anywhere at any time if proper and safe sequence and procedures are not planned and followed. We encourage you to learn and use the TapRooT® System to find and fix problems.

TapRooT® has a team of investigators and instructors with years of extensive training ready to offer assistance worldwide. We also offer ongoing support to our clients through free newsletters and root cause tip videos, the root cause analysis blog, and our annual Global TapRooT® Summit.

Register for one of our TapRooT® courses. We offer a basic 2-day course and an advanced 5-day courseContact us or call 865.539.2139 about having a course at your site or for further root cause analysis opportunities. We’re here to find solutions for you.

Contact us to discuss training your employees on-site. You may also call us at 865.539.2139 to speak to an instructor, schedule an executive briefing, or book on-site training for your team.

*Fortune Well, “Your stress is killing your body and brain and taking years off your life,” by Alexa Mikhail, Feb. 16, 2023.

How Far Away Is Death?
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