Keeping Lithium Mining Safe as the World Rushes Production
Also known as “white gold,” lithium is forecast for great expansion on the horizon due to a changing world looking to use lithium batteries to run everything from our phones to our automobiles and more. But how safe is mining it?
Companies around the world are trying to develop newer and faster ways of extracting lithium so they can be major players in bringing this element to market for all its uses. With recent oil issues and gas prices, electric cars are even more uppermost in people’s minds.
But lithium mining has its issues, as does all mining.
The metal is found deep underground in pockets filled with extremely hot brine. What could go wrong? Moving to new forms of energy come with new dangers for workers and the environment. With companies rushing to compete in the market, the importance of safe mining practices must be front and center.
Putting processes and systems into place that allow the workers to be productive and safe are key. Also, key are using systems that create consistency and standardization for the highest quality investigation of issues that could go wrong to ensure that performance is always improving. Utilizing proactive measures to stop issues ahead of time. Taking time to do things right.
If your mining company needs the solid base of consistency and standardization as well as a solid way of getting to the real root causes of any incidents so they can be corrected to not repeat, implementing TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis at your company can make sure things are done right . . . utilizing it proactively to do things right from the start.
Where can you learn TapRooT® RCA?
There’s a good reason why, since 1994, hundreds of companies make it a priority to send experts and /teams to the Global TapRooT® Summit: The attendees bring back unique training, strategies, and tips on how their companies can improve performance while keeping their record clean and their employees and clients working safe and all on the same page. You should, too.
In 1994, we started the TapRooT® Summit as a three-day meeting of the best TapRooT® users. The Summit has grown into an international event with world-renowned sessions and keynote speakers and multiple tracks designed to share performance improvement best practices across industries and professions.
We’ll gather in Knoxville, Tennessee, May 2-6, for a networking and learning experience like no other, with industry leaders from around the world.
Learn from the Best Practices Breakout Sessions at the 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit — a focused community of experience, knowledge, success in work safety and efficiency.
Gain the work-critical shared knowledge of those in the industry: Register your team today for the 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit. Take a look at the 2022 Summit’s best practices schedule. Pre-Summit courses: May 2-3; Summit: May 4-6.
Are you are a mining company who would like to stop incidents from happening at your sites? Contact me at hughes@taproot.com and I will be happy to share with you how TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis will benefit your company.