Can Human Error Be Stopped?

How About This
Can human error be stopped? I’ve seen it done.
Want an example? Here’s one…

It’s the results of an experiment. Students were asked to turn on a specific burner on a stove. The results are on the right side of the picture. The worst example is about a 10% error rate. That’s horrible human performance.
The best example? A 0% human error rate. Zero errors in 1,200 tries. They STOPPED human error. The same type of people (students). Same training. Just one human factors change – the arrangement of the controls and the burners.
That’s one example. But it proves that, in at least some cases, stopping a human error can be done.
Would You Like To Learn More?
Not every example completely stops human errors, but many examples significantly reduce human errors.
Would you like to learn more about stopping human errors? Then you should attend the the course at this link:
Stopping Human Error Course
What’s in the Stopping Human Error Course? Here’s the Course Outline:
Day 1 (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
- Foundations of Improving Human Performance
- Human Performance – What Should You Expect?
- Three Human Reliability Best Practices
- Mistake Proofing
- Resilience
- Safeguards
- Using TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis for Incidents & Learning Teams
- Human Performance Improvement Technology (Catch Your Own Mistakes)
- Questioning Attitude
- Attention to Detail
- Time Out
- Error Traps & Precursors
- Validate Assumptions
- Work Direction/Finding Error Likely Situations
- Pre-Job Hazard Analysis
- Pre-Job Brief
- Personal Safety Assessment
- Post-Job Brief
- Training
- Systematic Approach to Training
- Using Procedures to Improve Human Performance
- Procedures Best Practices
- Procedure Use and Adherence
- Place Keeping
Day 2 (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
- Communications
- 3-Way Communication
- Do Not Disturb Sign
- Management System
- Conservative Decision Making
- Stopping Normalization of Deviation
- Quality Control
- Independent Verification
- Concurrent Verification
- Human Factors Engineering
- Best Practices (Spot Bad Practices)
- Proactive Use of CHAP
- Hazard/Target Elimination or Substitution
- Improvement Exercise
- What Should You Improve/Which Tools Will Work Best for You?
- Sample Plan
- Present Your Plan (Benchmarking/Feedback)
With the exercises built-in to try the techniques, this is an active, fast-moving 2-day course.
You will leave this course with a clear understanding of methods to improve human performance and a custom plan to apply those methods at your company to achieve great gains in safety, quality, or operational and maintenance performance (all of which depend on human performance).
Participants receive the book Stopping Human Error, a $99.95 value, as part of the course materials. In addition, participants receive a certificate of completion and a 90-day subscription to TapRooT® VI Software, our dynamic cloud-based software that computerizes the TapRooT® Techniques.
To register for the course, CLICK HERE.