32 Years of TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training in Pictures

Across The Years, Around the World
Who’s that in the opening picture? That’s Linda Unger teaching one of our first TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Courses in Scotland. I would guess that it is about 1994.
Pictures of Three Decades + of TapRooT® Training
Well, this is what I looked like at the start in about 1990…
We don’t have any pictures of the courses we did for Philadelphia Electric (our first client), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (our second client), or Chevron Richmond Refinery (our third client), but we have lots of other pictures from courses over the years.
See if you find yourself at one of our public TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Courses or maybe an on-site course at one of your facilities.

Military Healthcare System students at a course in Seattle

Mark & Linda and some folks at training in London

Students at a course in Ireland

A class photo in Colombia

Kevin McManus teaching in Gatlinburg

Students in Tanzania

Kevin McManus teaching in Indonesia

Group exercise at a course in Amsterdam

Students in a course in Aberdeen, Scotland

Mark teaching in Scotland back in the 1990s

Students in the Middle East

Mark Olson with students in South Korea

Students in Italy working on an exercise

Students in South Africa – four are wearing Spin-A-Cause™ buttons

Students working on an exercise at a course in Copenhagen, Denmark

Sudents working on an exercise in Seattle back in 2002

Sudents working on an exercise at a course in Dallas, TX, back in 2003

A course at a nuclear plant in Slovakia

Student in Gatlinburg, TN, back in 2005

Final exercise presentation at a course in Europe

NRC Resident Inspector getting training in Atlanta

Healthcare folks at a course in Tiburon, California

Class photo in Colombia

Mark teaching in Texas

Class photo at a course in Milan, Italy

Linda teaching in Alaska in 2012

Mark teaching in a course in Knoxville, TN

Sanjay in a class photo in Mozambique

Course photo from Mexico

Team happy with their class exercise

Class photo in Africa

Ken Reed teaching a course in Knoxville, TN

Team working on an exercise at a course in London

Team working on an exercise in a course in Houston

Alex teaching a Stopping Human Error Course in Knoxville, TN

Ken Read teaching an Equifactor® Course

Team exercise at a course in Colombia

Exercise at a course in Knoxville, TN

Linda & Ken teaching in Austin, TX

Alex teaching a Virtual 3-Day TapRooT® Class (studio shot)
Make Root Cause Analysis History
Maybe you should make root cause analysis history at your facility? Have a TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course at your site and set a performance improvement milestone. To get a quote for an on-site course, call us at 865-539-2139 or CLICK HERE to contact us.
Or attend an upcoming public TapRooT® Courses. For the complete upcoming schedule, see:
Don’t wait to register. Attendance is limited. Click on the link above to register for the location and dates of your choice.