January 30, 2024 | Mark Paradies

Is It Time to REFRESH Your TapRooT® Skills?

Mark teaching TapRooT® Course / Training

Refresh Your TapRooT® Knowledge


  • Attended TapRooT® Training.
  • Used TapRooT® RCA once or twice to investigate incidents.
  • May even have used it a couple of times proactively.

But you feel that your TapRooT® Skills are getting rusty. What can you do?

Here are four ideas…

  1. Hold a refresher course at your site. Schedule a 1-Day TapRooT® RCA Refresher Training by CONTACTING US. CLICK HERE to see the course details.
  2. Attend the 2-Day TapRooT® Advanced Case Study Workshop being held at the Horseshoe Bay Resort (Near Austin) on April 29-30, just before the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.
  3. Attend the Improving Investigations & RCA Track at the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit. The track includes several sessions designed to help you improve your TapRooT® RCA skills. CLICK HERE to REGISTER.
  4. Attend a pre-Summit Course and the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit and SAVE $300. When you attend both a pre-Summit Course and the Summit, you qualify for a $300 discount. See all the courses by CLICKING HERE. Then, CLICK HERE to register for the course of your choice and the Summit.

Get More Info

The 2024 Global Summit and the Pre-Summit Courses are being held at the Horseshoe Bay Resort near Austin, Texas, on April 29 – May 3. You can receive even greater discounts if you bring a team!

2024 discounts SAVE

Want more Summit info? CLICK HERE, call us at 865-539-2139, or watch the video below…

Courses & Training, Root Cause Analysis, Root Cause Analysis Tips, Summit
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