November 22, 2022 | Mark Paradies

What is a “Trend”???


Questions You Need to Answer About Trends

QUESTION 1: Have you ever had an accident, and someone in management says, “That looks like a trend to me. We need to do something NOW!” And you think, “It doesn’t look like a trend to me, but how can I prove them wrong?”

QUESTION 2: Have you ever had a regulator tell you that you have problems that look like an adverse trend, and you didn’t know how to respond?

QUESTION 3: Have you ever wondered if a slight improvement in safety statistics is really significant?

QUESTION 4: Have you ever wondered how long it will take without a significant accident until you can say that performance really has improved?

QUESTION 5: Have you ever presented trend data and hoped that nobody asked any real questions because you were just making stuff up?


DO YOU WANT ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS? Then you need to attend the 2-Day Measurement, Trending, and Predictive Analytics: How to Best Use Data to Improve Work Course.

Course Instructor: Kevin McManis

Chief Excellence Officer of Great Systems LLC, provides virtual coaching and content to help people use proven best practices to enhance and optimize their daily work systems. Over forty years of work experience in roles such as Industrial Engineer, Training Manager, Production Manager, Plant Manager, and Director of Quality give Kevin a ‘real life work’ perspective relative to daily work process optimization, work team engagement and empowerment, and sustainable operational excellence.

As a contract TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Trainer, Kevin has taught over 425 courses and further enhanced his ability to help leaders proactively minimize risk, reduce errors, and improve reliability. Kevin holds an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering and an MBA. He served as a national Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence Award Examiner for twenty years, including a three-year term on the national Judge’s Panel. Kevin has authored the monthly performance improvement column for Industrial and Systems Engineer magazine for over 20 years, is an Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering Fellow, and has been a member of IISE for over forty years.

Course Content

In this 2-day workshop, you learn how to:

• Identify leading counts and ratios that best reflect the ‘vital signs’ of process performance
• Set up a simple process to capture and crunch daily process information
• Review and use measurement results daily to predict, anticipate, and improve performance
• Recognize and engage team members in effective daily measure use
• Select options to improve the design of your existing measurement work system

For a complete Course description, CLICK HERE.


This course is being held on April 24-25 at the Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe, near Houston, Texas, just prior to the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit. Attend both and SAVE $300 off the course fee.

Bring a team to pre-Summit Courses and the Summit and SAVE even more…


Register for just the course HERE.

Register for the course and the Summit and SAVE $300 by CLICKING HERE.

Don’t wait. This course is only held once a year, and the course size is limited. Don’t miss your chance to attend.

Root Cause Analysis
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