January 10, 2025 | Mark Paradies

Low-Hanging Fruit & Industrial Performance Improvement

low-hanging fruit

Experienced fruit pickers always start at the top of a tree,
where the fruit is more ready to eat because of greater exposure to the sun.

Is It Time To Get More Than Low-Hanging Fruit?

You’ve heard of the 80/20 rule. That 20% of the effort will get you 80% of the results. Some people call it picking the low-hanging fruit. The rule seems to imply that there is always an easy answer to improving performance.

But what happens when the low-hanging fruit is picked? You can’t come out the next day and start picking low-hanging fruit again. All the low-hanging fruit is gone! You’ll need to get a ladder and work harder to get the remaining fruit.

low hanging fruit 2

Performance Improvement Programs

The same is true in industrial settings.

Early in an improvement program, you can often get easy gains. But once these easy improvements are achieved, the job of improving performance gets tougher.

This may seem obvious to anyone who has been involved in performance improvement. The better performance gets, the harder it is to improve.

Unfortunately, some managers think that the low-hanging fruit is a perpetual opportunity. That we should get continuous major improvements with little effort.

Get Better at Improving

There is one way to keep your improvement program improving at a rapid pace … Get better at improving. And that’s where TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis and the Global TapRooT® Summit can prove their value.

If you have already picked the low-hanging fruit, let TapRooT® RCA and the Summit be your “ladder” to help you overcome your tougher problems.

If you have already attended our essentials course, the 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course, you should attend the 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Course. See the upcoming public 5-Day Courses HERE. Or CLICK HERE (or call 865-539-2139) to get information about holding a TapRooT® Course at your site.

Improvement Ideas from the Global TapRooT® Summit

What is the Global TapRooT® Summit all about? Networking, benchmarking, and sharing best practices with leading experts from around the world.

It starts on Monday and Tuesday (September 29-30) with eleven special pre-Summit Training. See the pre-Summit Courses to choose from HERE.

After the pre-Summit Courses, the Summit starts on Wednesday, October 1, and includes five amazing Keynote Speakers…

Keynote Speakers - 2025

And continues through Friday, October 3, with interesting Best Practice Breakout Sessions in eight Best Practice Tracks. These tracks include…

Best Practice Tracks

Just click on the figure above for more information about all the sessions in the tracks or see the complete Summit schedule HERE.

Where is the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit Being Held?

The Summit is being held at the Knoxville Convention Center in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee (our hometown). It’s a great place for a conference. In the video below, get ten ideas of the many things to do in Knoxville.

Register NOW to Get This Low-Hanging Fruit!

Don’t wait. The pre-Summit Courses will fill up. Register early to get your first choice. And register early to qualify for the early bird drawing. (Does the early bird get the low-hanging fruit?) Just click on the picture below for information about early bird registration and the prize!

Early Bird Registration is Now Open for the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit

To get even more information, CLICK HERE.

And CLICK HERE to register.

register your team
Knoxville Convention Center


Implementation, Summit
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